Imagine earning $2,000 per month by spending just 10 minutes a day, 5 days a week, trading Reverse Splits using the EZ RSA platform. Here's how you can make it happen:
Set Up 50 Brokerage Accounts
Start by setting up 50 brokerage accounts using our exclusive promotion codes and preferred brokerages.
Trade Efficiently
Execute an average of 22 trades per month with an average cost of just $0.30 per buy, totaling $6.60 in trading costs.
Maximize Your Profits
With an average profit of $2.50 per trade, across 50 accounts, you could potentially earn $2,750 per month.
Deduct Fees
After accounting for your trading costs and the EZ RSA platform fee of $725, your estimated profit could be $2,025 per month.
At EZ RSA, we provide a powerful platform that simplifies and optimizes your trading experience. Here’s why you should trust us:
Each buy (or call) recommendation is meticulously researched to ensure you’re making informed decisions.
Our track record speaks for itself—we consistently deliver some of the highest accuracy trades in the industry.
We do the heavy lifting, saving you countless hours of researching potential buys.
Imagine executing trades across hundreds of accounts in just minutes. With EZ RSA, you can make 500 buys in less than 5 minutes!
We average 22 RSA buy alerts per month, keeping you informed of the latest opportunities.
Stay ahead of the game—receive text notifications the moment a new trade potential is posted.
We validate each stock through rigorous research, including: